Switches are buggy in f38 #17

opened 2023-08-07 08:25:34 -05:00 by ITwrx · 1 comment

The switches for activating Routines and elsewhere are buggy in Fedora 38 (gtk 4.10.4-1), but work fine in fedora 37 and Ubuntu 22.04.1, which have older versions of gtk.


affects 0.9.10 and up, until this issue is closed.

The switches for activating Routines and elsewhere are buggy in Fedora 38 (gtk 4.10.4-1), but work fine in fedora 37 and Ubuntu 22.04.1, which have older versions of gtk. https://github.com/can-lehmann/owlkettle/issues/69 affects 0.9.10 and up, until this issue is closed.
ITwrx added the
labels 2023-08-07 08:25:42 -05:00

this was fixed in owlkettle and will be included in EZ Bkup 0.9.11.

this was fixed in owlkettle and will be included in EZ Bkup 0.9.11.
ITwrx closed this issue 2023-08-08 12:32:20 -05:00
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