app icon for panels/docks #12

opened 2023-07-12 10:42:13 -05:00 by ITwrx · 1 comment

the desktop file-linked icon is used for the standard app menu but the panel, and i assume docks, use a different icon location and likely size. We need to create an icon for this and add it's installation to Valet.

the desktop file-linked icon is used for the standard app menu but the panel, and i assume docks, use a different icon location and likely size. We need to create an icon for this and add it's installation to Valet.
ITwrx added this to the Public Beta Release milestone 2023-07-12 10:42:13 -05:00
ITwrx added the
labels 2023-07-12 10:42:13 -05:00

this was added to the Supporter Release in 0.9.9

this was added to the Supporter Release in 0.9.9
ITwrx closed this issue 2023-08-05 07:35:03 -05:00
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