leterr="No ssh-askpass binary found. Please install an ssh-askpass package for your distro, and let us know if EZ-Bkup still can't detect it's location."
leterr="No ssh-askpass binary found. Please install an ssh-askpass package for your distro, and let us know if EZ-Bkup still can't detect it's location."
rsyncCheckCmd="SUDO_ASKPASS="&getAskPassPath()&" sudo -A rsync -rn "&source&""&destination
rsyncErrors.add("EZ-Bkup's rsync process(es) returned error ("&$rsyncRun.output&") while attempting to verify that "&source&" got backed up to "&destination)
rsyncErrors.add("EZ-Bkup's rsync process(es) returned error ("&$rsyncRun.output&") while attempting to verify that "&source&" got backed up to "&destination)