import std/[tables, strutils, sugar, hashes, algorithm, os] from std/sequtils import toSeq import tiny_sqlite import "../shared" # We create a custom type for representing the ID of a routine. # This way Nim's type system automatically prevents us from using it as a regular integer and # from confusing it with the ID of another entity. type RoutineId* = distinct int64 proc `==`*(a, b: RoutineId): bool {.borrow.} proc hash*(id: RoutineId): Hash {.borrow.} proc `$`*(id: RoutineId): string = result = "routine" & $int64(id) type Routine* = object id*: RoutineId name*: string selected*: bool #selByDef == selected by default. selByDef*: bool sources*: seq[string] destinations*: seq[string] proc stringToSeq(commaSepString: string):seq[string] = #return toSeq(commaSepString.split(',')) var newSeq: seq[string] if hasCommas(commaSepString) == true: newSeq = toSeq(commaSepString.split(',')) else: newSeq = @[commaSepString] return newSeq proc seqToString(strSeq: seq[string]):string = #return strSeq.join(",") var newStr: string if strSeq.len >= 1: newStr = strSeq.join(",") else: newStr = "" return newStr #[proc matches*(routine: Routine, filter: string): bool = ## Checks if the routine matches the given filter. ## This function is used to search the list of routines. filter.toLowerAscii() in toLowerAscii(]# type RoutineModel* = ref object ## Model for storing all routines. We model this as a ref object, so that changes ## made by any widget are also known to all other widgets that use the model. db: DbConn routines*: Table[RoutineId, Routine] proc cmpRoutines(a, b: Routine): int = cmp(, #this is our stand-in for the search proc. returns a seq so we can iterate in routine_list. proc routineSeq*(model: RoutineModel): seq[Routine] = var routineSeq: seq[Routine] ## Returns a seq of all routines. "id" is necessary to loop through table. for id, routine in model.routines: routineSeq.add(routine) routineSeq.sort(cmpRoutines, Ascending) #echo routineSeq return routineSeq let homePath = expandTilde("~") proc newRoutineModel*(path: string = homePath & "/.ez-bkup/ez-bkup.sqlite"): RoutineModel = ## Load a RoutineModel from a database var db: DbConn try: db = openDatabase(path) except: writeErrorToLog("Unable to open and/or create sqlite3 database. Please make sure sqlite3 is installed.") db = openDatabase("") # Create the Routine table db.exec(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Routine( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, selByDef INTEGER, sources TEXT, destinations TEXT ) """) # Load all existing routines into RoutineModel.routines var routines = initTable[RoutineId, Routine]() for row in db.iterate("SELECT id, name, selByDef, sources, destinations FROM Routine"): let (id, name, selByDef, sources, destinations) = row.unpack((RoutineId, string, bool, string, string)) var sourcesSeq: seq[string] #no sources exist in DB. if sources == "": sourcesSeq = @[] else: #convert "sources" comma-separated string to seq[string]. sourcesSeq = stringToSeq(sources) var destinationsSeq: seq[string] #no destinations exist in DB. if destinations == "": destinationsSeq = @[] else: #convert "destinations" comma-separated string to seq[string]. destinationsSeq = stringToSeq(destinations) routines[id] = Routine(id: id, name: name, selByDef: selByDef, sources: sourcesSeq, destinations: destinationsSeq) #echo "newRoutineModel:" #echo routines result = RoutineModel(db: db, routines: routines) proc add*(model: RoutineModel, routine: Routine) = ## Adds a new routine to the model #convert routine.sources seq[string] to a comma-separated string to store as TEXT in sqlite. let stringSources = seqToString(routine.sources) #convert routine.destinations seq[string] to a comma-separated string to store as TEXT in sqlite. let stringDestinations = seqToString(routine.destinations) # Insert new routine into database model.db.exec( "INSERT INTO Routine (name, selByDef, sources, destinations) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",, routine.selByDef, stringSources, stringDestinations ) # Insert new routine into RoutineModel.routines let id = RoutineId(model.db.lastInsertRowId) model.routines[id] = routine.dup(id = id) proc update*(model: RoutineModel, routine: Routine) = ## Updates an existing routine. Routines are compared by their ID. #convert routine.sources seq[string] to a comma-separated string to store as TEXT in sqlite. let stringSources = seqToString(routine.sources) #convert routine.destinations seq[string] to a comma-separated string to store as TEXT in sqlite. let stringDestinations = seqToString(routine.destinations) # Update routine in database model.db.exec( "UPDATE Routine SET name = ?, selByDef = ?, sources = ?, destinations = ? WHERE id = ?",, routine.selByDef, stringSources, stringDestinations, ) # Update RoutineModel.routines model.routines[] = routine #[proc search*(model: UserModel, filter: string): seq[User] {.locks: 0.} = ## Returns a seq of all users that match the given filter. for id, user in model.users: if user.matches(filter): result.add(user) result.sort((a, b: User) => cmp(a.lastName, b.lastName))]# proc delete*(model: RoutineModel, id: RoutineId) = ## Deletes the routine with the given ID # Delete routine from database model.db.exec("DELETE FROM Routine WHERE id = ?", id) # Update RoutineModel.routines model.routines.del(id) proc clear*(model: RoutineModel) = ## Deletes all routines # Delete all routines from database model.db.exec("DELETE FROM Routine") # Update RoutineModel.routines model.routines.clear()